Friday, November 16, 2012

Create Windows 8 Start Screen like Cover Photo for Facebook Timeline

Windows 8 Cover Photo Creator for Facebook is a Facebook app from Microsoft that lets you create a Windows 8 start screen like, cover photo for your Facebook Timeline. Came across this fun app from the
Windows team on Facebook, thanks to a post on TechNet by SteveClayton.
Create a Windows 8 Start Screen that’s all about you. When you’redone, upload it as your new cover photo.

Windows 8 Cover Photo Creator for Facebook:-
This app creates a new Facebook cover photo using various photos from your contacts, friends, photos shared with you, your Likes, and provides a photo resembling the Windows 8 Start screen, which can be
further customized and then can be used as Cover Photo on your Facebook. So in other words we are making a Facebook Timeline Cover Photo that says more about you. It is inspired by Windows 8 Start
Screen. It’s very easy to use so you can check it out right away and start creating one now!

Visit the <a href="">Facebook app page</a>. When you click on ‘Make mine’, you can as usual control who can see this on your Timeline. It’ll also show you what this app
going to access. Next the app will gather all things required and provide you with the Cover Photo to customize further.

You can change your background color and also click on some of the tiles to change which photos or app should appear. Save the Cover and add it as your Cover Photo. That’s all.

Its just a Fun App from the Windows team that connects to your social
stream and creates a new Facebook Cover Photo.
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This is a Guest Post By Vishnu Murali....


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