Hello friends everyone want to be successful in blogging due to large revenue in blogging from advertising companies like Google Adsense,Buy Sell Ads,Adbrite,Info links etc.Because blogger earns good income from blogging then doing job in a company.Becomes Professional Blogger is Better Option For Us or Not?(Click Here To See).
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But some newbie bloggers or other bloggers want to succeed in one night.The experience of my five year blogging proof that blogging is not easy task that will complete in one night or in one month.
So What's Mostly Required In Blogging:- The answer is so simple,blogging just required patience and good writing skills with great knowledge about your blog niche.
So today in this article i share some important factor where patience is mostly required.
1)During Article Writing: So this is the first and very important factor where patience is required most.Some blogger think if they write 3-4 small article in a day ,they got success.
But i suggest instead of write 3-4 articles in a day,write one quality article which is of about 400-500 words and yes don't try to complete the article in just 1 hour.
So according to me the good way to write article is that wake up early in the morning then think about the today's article.If you get the topic then take i hour to think about the topic and make a note on the copy.After that read related article from other websites,i sure this will helps you in writing good article.
After that take a small tea break and then search high paying keywords from Google Keyword Tool and then write these keywords into your notebook or into your computer notepad.
I suggest you to first write article on your notebook ohhh what you think?No,just make a small note that will help you in writing.
I tell you about my habit i first write all the article in the notebook and then i read whole the article about 5-6 times and after the whole process i write it into the blogger because of my slow writing skills.
So give one complete day to article instead of just 1 hour.So make patience and write one good article in one day.
1)Some Super Handy Tips That Helps You In Writing Better Blog Post
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2)In Earning: This is the second important factor in which patience is required.Some bloggers think they earn 1000's of Dollars in first month of blogging even they don't have enough traffic.So what i want to say here wait dear wait,try to concentrate on the quality content not on earning.If you write good and quality content then all these things is in your pocket whether money or popularity.
So don't think i want to be rich in one night from blogging.But instead of thinking this,think what article or niche is better for my blog.?Why my blog readers required from me.How i get enough traffic.?what strategies i used to make my blog popular.?Think about the seo of your blog?
1)Dreams Of Making 1000's Dollars Per Day From Blogging
2)How To Boost Organic Traffic Of Your Website
3)Copyright Content:- I think you get shocked to see how patience interlinked with copyright content.Think one day we are unable to think the writing article means whole day we think what i write today.Then what you do?I tell you,we surf on another website to find the topic.Then the pressure of article convinced us to copy article from other website.
So don't copy content from other website.Its better to don't write instead of copying article.By doing this you will insult the writer by stealing content.So make patience dear what happened if you can't write one day out of whole week or month.Nothing could happened.So that why patience is required here.I sure you got my point.
4)In designing A Blog:- A good design is that who is user friendly and where it is easy to find content by good navigation.But some bloggers doesn't give importance to design.They just download template from the internet and put then into blog without taking any time on designing and all other's things.
But my dear this is the main part where you have to take time.So make patience and design your blog template in such a way that it is user friendly and easy to navigate.Don't think why i waste time in designing part.No this is main part of your website.
1)Make a Attractive Blog
5)In Social Relationship:- The blogs that don't have enough readers they used social networking websites like Facebook,Google+,Twitter etc to increase the traffic and readers.
So why patience is required here.I am also confused one time when i think about this but i got the point.Patience is required here due to the reason that sometime we share lot of articles in social networking websites which result that user penetrates from your advertisement.And they can't come on your website due to this.
So don't try to extra advertised your websites into social networking websites which penetrates users.Make patience and share 1-2 articles in a day.And one more thing which left here is that try to solve the queries of users in social networking websites.
I sure if you follow these steps you must successful in blogging.Happy Blogging.
If you think any other thing which left in my article then share with us by leave comment below.
Monu Alagh.
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