We live in the modern world where the technology is very fast day by day.There are lot of examples who proved everything.And in today's article we are discussing about such type of new technology who help us in communication.
One of the things that foster good living is communication.We are in the world where communication is must now a days.We can't do anything without making contact with each other. Also social media plays a vital role for communication.And there are some social media websites who also help us to make free calls worldwide.
I think you all are familiar with Skype and VoipCheap to make free internet calls.But there are some new tools and websites comes in this category who also enable us to make free internet calls.
So today i surf and surf and found some better tools and websites who help us to make free calls on Mobile and PC.But Unfortunately you are only allow to make calls only the US and CANADA directories.
Top 3 Tools To Make Free Internet Calls
I know about this service since late 2011.It allow us to make free calls from PC to Phone and also from PC to PC by just installing Google Talk browser plugin.Google Voice also provide free SMS Conference Calling and Free Voice mail Service.
As i said earlier in my article is that you can only call the directory from CANADA or US only.And have limited time calling of 3 Hours.But you can continuously call the same number over and over again.
Google voice can be accessed on any of web browser as an Web APP and also even on mobile browsers,iPhone,Android and Blackberry also.
iCall provide you a software who helps you to make free internet call from PC to Phone.But the directory is of US or CANADA.
The call will keep on disconnecting every 5 minutes, but you can call back over and over again for as many times as you want. A ten second advert will run before any of your calls gets through.
iCall has a flash version on the web, but this will limit you to three minutes.
iCall has a flash version on the web, but this will limit you to three minutes.
EvaPhone has a flash-based platform on the web, it allows you to make free internet phone calls from PC to phone but unfortunately the talk time is incredibly short.
With EvaPhone, you can call any phone number in the world free, but the length ranges from ten seconds to one minute depending on your destination. It also limits you to just two calls per day.
A short video advert runs on EvaPhone for you to watch before your call gets through, it displays for you a short timer, so you know when you time is up.
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