Saturday, April 20, 2013

How To Set Message Archiving For iPhone or iPad in iCloud

Every one of us does use Gmail for sending and receving emails. If you do that then you must have heard about archiving the messages. The Messages are not deleted completely they are kept safe. You can archive a message in opposite of deleting that message. You can also activate message archiving service in iCloud.

With some Simple Steps you can do this. So here are those steps.

1. Go to Setting App on you iPhone.
2. Tap To The iCloud Icon.

3.You can find accounts option with your email id in its one side.
4.Now you see an advanced section on the bottom of your screen.
5.In the advance section you will see a mail option. Tap On that option.
6,You see an Archive Message option in the list. You have to side it to make is On So that you can enable this service.
7. Tap on done on the upper Right Corner of the Screen.

 Congratulations you have set message archiving to the on state. Now you will be able to see two icons while deleting a message. One Option will be of Delete and other one will be of Archive the message.


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